DiscordJS.RichEmbed is not a constructor

discord bot maker

a marqué ce sujet comme résolu.

voila le code (la ses que le code pour crée un embed message si tu veut les autre dit le moi)

module.exports = {
	// Action Name
	// This is the name of the action displayed in the editor.

	name: "Create Embed Message",

	// Action Section
	// This is the section the action will fall into.

	section: "Embed Message",

	// Action Subtitle
	// This function generates the subtitle displayed next to the name.

	subtitle: function(data) {
		return `${data.title}`;

	// Action Storage Function
	// Stores the relevant variable info for the editor.

	variableStorage: function(data, varType) {
		const type = parseInt(data.storage);
		if(type !== varType) return;
		return ([data.varName, "Embed Message"]);

	// Action Fields
	// These are the fields for the action. These fields are customized
	// by creating elements with corresponding IDs in the HTML. These
	// are also the names of the fields stored in the action's JSON data.

	fields: ["title", "author", "color", "timestamp", "url", "authorIcon", "imageUrl", "thumbUrl", "storage", "varName"],

	// Command HTML
	// This function returns a string containing the HTML used for
	// editting actions.
	// The "isEvent" parameter will be true if this action is being used
	// for an event. Due to their nature, events lack certain information,
	// so edit the HTML to reflect this.
	// The "data" parameter stores constants for select elements to use.
	// Each is an array: index 0 for commands, index 1 for events.
	// The names are: sendTargets, members, roles, channels,
	//                messages, servers, variables

	html: function(isEvent, data) {
		return `
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
	<input id="title" class="round" type="text"><br>
	<input id="author" class="round" type="text" placeholder="Leave blank to disallow author!"><br>
	<input id="color" class="round" type="text" placeholder="Leave blank for default!"><br>
	Use Timestamp:<br>
	<select id="timestamp" class="round" style="width: 90%;">
		<option value="true">Yes</option>
		<option value="false" selected>No</option>
<div style="float: right; width: 50%;">
	<input id="url" class="round" type="text" placeholder="Leave blank for none!"><br>
	Author Icon URL:<br>
	<input id="authorIcon" class="round" type="text" placeholder="Leave blank for none!"><br>
	Image URL:<br>
	<input id="imageUrl" class="round" type="text" placeholder="Leave blank for none!"><br>
	Thumbnail URL:<br>
	<input id="thumbUrl" class="round" type="text" placeholder="Leave blank for none!"><br>
	<div style="float: left; width: 35%;">
		Store In:<br>
		<select id="storage" class="round">
	<div id="varNameContainer" style="float: right; width: 60%;">
		Variable Name:<br>
		<input id="varName" class="round" type="text"><br>

	// Action Editor Init Code
	// When the HTML is first applied to the action editor, this code
	// is also run. This helps add modifications or setup reactionary
	// functions for the DOM elements.

	init: function() {},

	// Action Bot Function
	// This is the function for the action within the Bot's Action class.
	// Keep in mind event calls won't have access to the "msg" parameter,
	// so be sure to provide checks for variable existance.

	action: function(cache) {
		const data = cache.actions[cache.index];
		const embed = this.createEmbed();
		if (data.title) {
			embed.setTitle(this.evalMessage(data.title, cache));
		if(data.url) {
			embed.setURL(this.evalMessage(data.url, cache));
		if(data.author && data.authorIcon) {
			embed.setAuthor(this.evalMessage(data.author, cache), this.evalMessage(data.authorIcon, cache));
		if(data.color) {
			embed.setColor(this.evalMessage(data.color, cache));
		if(data.imageUrl) {
			embed.setImage(this.evalMessage(data.imageUrl, cache));
		if(data.thumbUrl) {
			embed.setThumbnail(this.evalMessage(data.thumbUrl, cache));
		if(data.timestamp === "true") {
		const storage = parseInt(data.storage);
		const varName = this.evalMessage(data.varName, cache);
		this.storeValue(embed, storage, varName, cache);

	// Action Bot Mod
	// Upon initialization of the bot, this code is run. Using the bot's
	// DBM namespace, one can add/modify existing functions if necessary.
	// In order to reduce conflictions between mods, be sure to alias
	// functions you wish to overwrite.

	mod: function(DBM) {
		const { Actions, DiscordJS } = DBM;

		Actions.createEmbed = function() {
			return new DiscordJS.MessageEmbed();

}; // End of module
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Ça le met où ? Car dans le code que tu as publié, je ne vois pas de mention de DiscordJS.RichEmbed

Normalement, le message d’erreur indique le fichier et le numéro de la ligne de code concernée par l’erreur. Ça aide beaucoup pour repérer d’où vient l’erreur et donc voir ce qui aurait pu la causer :)

+1 -0
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